Complete Life Control
8:00 video
It is clear to me that I came into your life at exactly the right time. What you need is some total surrender, a complete takeover of your life. I will slowly take over each small area of your life, coaching you and guiding you towards a better version of yourself. You won't need to think about what you have to do, I will tell you what is on your list and all of the things you must complete to maintain my attention. Each week you will be instructed to perform a series of tasks, both in taking care of yourself and taking care of me. You can't resist, the sight of my leather, I am the complete package, your dream girl, your fantasy Domme. You will do what I say, you will have no say in how it is done, and you will become the best slave you can be from these endeavors. Only thing is, if you fuck this up, you'll be banished forever. Good luck..slave.